• The Rebublic of Turkey (it’s official name) spans 2 countinents. The vast majority of it is on in Asia, and a small part is in Europe.
  • It’s the first world producer and exporter of hazelnuts.
  • Ephesus, near the western shores of Turkey, is one of the most well-preserved ancient cities in the world.
  • Present day Antakya (Antioch), Turkey, was the first church outside of Jerusalem, and the first place believers were called Christians
  • Tradition says that Mount Ararat in Turkey is the same Mount Ararat where the Bible says Noah’s ark landed.
  • Sekul, Turky just had it’s 41st annual International Camel Wrestling Festival, where the camels wrestle each other
  • The apostle Paul was born in the modern day province of Mersin (Tarsus),
  • Turkish is the mother tongue of 90% of Turks, but there are also about 70 other languages and dialects spoken here.

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