We had the opportunity to go on the Murchison Falls Safari while in Uganda. It’s 3893 km² with only 150 lions and 50 leopards so it was crazy to see them so many times. It was such a cool experience to get to see all the animals so close and in their natural habitats. We made a list at the very start of all the animals we wanted to see and screamed out each animal as we saw it. When we first got there, we visited the waterfall and Jessie and I got soaked from all the mistiness. The drive in, we were amazed at everything we were able to see just on the first day. We had so much fun taking pictures and watching the animals. We had such a good guide who knew where all the hangouts were, so he was able to lead us to animals we totally would’ve missed. At one point, we drove so close to a pride of lions just chilling by a water hole. We even saw a leopard in a tree, and our guide got it to climb down. We also went on a river cruise and got to go way up close to the hippos. If Dad was to describe the safari in one word, he would say “anticipation because as we were driving around, we never knew when we would see something, we were just on pins and needles, and it was so exciting when we would see something”. Mom’s would be “seek-and-find because it reminded me of one of those seek-and-find pages in one of those kid’s books because you know there’s really interesting things to see but you don’t know where they are so you’re constantly looking and anticipating, really, something exciting like a lion or elephants or a leopard”. Overall, it was incredibly fun, and I loved getting to take pictures of everything.

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  1. Wow! Wonderful description, Gianna! Wonderful pictures! So glad you all are having such a wonderful time. Also hope Jess got birthday ecards. Will send Jared’s soon.

  2. It’s busy around here with 4 grands living with us for several weeks BUT got caught up today and so enjoy journeying with you all. Loved the descriptions and pictures of your encounters with the people and your ministry involvements. The descriptions and pictures are GREAT today and our grands enjoyed this safari along with you!!

    1. So glad to hear you and your grandkids are enjoying the pictures! It has certainly been an adventure, and we’re happy to take you along virtually.

  3. Fantastic photos!!! I haven’t commented yet but I’ve been reading your latest posts every Saturday. What an incredible trip. I love all the pictures and videos and hearing from your different perspectives. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Happy to know you’re making this part of your routine and enjoying it. There are many more interesting stories to come!

  4. A very, very Happy Birthday to Jared!!! I enjoyed seeing all the new pictures of animals and also the pictures of life along the road. Also all the words descriptions by Allison and Gianna. Also the drone shot in Turkey.

    1. Thanks for all the encouraging comments. Jared definitely had a unique experience for his birthday, and enjoyed being with our friends here.

  5. Wow, great description and awesome pictures! How close did you all get to the animals?
    Thanks for sharing, great to read all about your trip so far!

    1. The closest were the warthogs that literally walked among us, but we got pretty close to the lions too. Less than 50 feet away. Our driver wasn’t comfortable being too close to the elephants. At times the antelope and monkeys were also very close — probably within 30 feet.

  6. Thanks Gianna & Jessica for standing by the waterfalls. That way we could see how big they are. We met a man who is an MK, about our age, and grew up near the falls. We were able to understand better because of your pictures and description, Gianna.

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